How to manage members

There are three unique roles available to MSP Admin Panel members. Each role has different functions and responsibilities.

  • Owner: This is the primary role of the MSP Admin Panel. They can manage all members and organizations.

  • Admin: This role can manage organizations in addition to inviting and managing members.

  • User: This role can only view MSP Admin Panel members.

Important: We strongly suggest adding additional Admins as soon as the MSP account is created. Due to zero-knowledge architecture, NordPass is not able to recover MSP member accounts or upgrade access to MSP members. To assign members the Admin role, follow the steps provided in Changing members' roles.


Inviting members


An Owner or Admin can invite their colleagues to join the MSP Admin Panel.

  1. Select Invite Members.

  2. Enter your colleague's email address to send an invitation directly to their inbox.


A member will be listed as Pending if they’ve yet to accept the invitation or Active once they’ve accepted it and created their MSP account. If a member has lost or forgotten their invitation, an Owner or Admin can resend it within Pending.


Changing members' roles


Once a member joins the MSP Admin Panel, an Owner or Admin can assign them a role to manage organizations and members. We recommend having additional Admins in case the Owner loses access to their NordPass account. 


  1. Go to Members.

  2. Find a member and select More Options by clicking the three dots on the right.

  3. Select Make Admin to give them full access to the MSP Admin Panel.

Suspending members


Suspending a member will temporarily pause their access to the MSP Admin Panel.


  1. Go to Members.

  2. Find a member and select More Options.

  3. Select Suspend.

To activate a suspended member, go to the Suspended tab. Select More Options next to the member you wish to activate and select Activate to restore their access to the MSP Admin Panel.

Deleting members 


Deleting a member will permanently remove them from the MSP Admin Panel.


  1. Go to Members.

  2. Find a member and select More Options.

  3. Select Delete.

To remove a suspended member from the MSP Admin Panel, go to the Suspended tab. Select More Options next to the member you wish to delete and select Delete.


Resetting MFA 


If a member has lost their device or needs to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA) with another device, an Owner or Admin can reset MFA for them.


  1. Go to Members.

  2. Find a member and select More Options.

  3. Select Reset MFA.

    Next time the member logs in to the MSP Admin panel, they will be asked to set up MFA again.

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