How to find the NordPass application logs The NordPass logs from your device can help our support team identify service issues and offer a solution. If you are using the NordPass standalone extension, right-click anywhere in your browser (you don't need to be logged in) and select NordPass > Download logs. If you cannot access your vault or get any errors while trying to log in, you can send application logs to our Customer Support team. Please specify what exact issue you experienced and the exact day the issue started to occur. Here are instructions below on how to do it: Press Win Key + R. Write down appdata into the field and click OK. Go to Roaming > NordPass. This will open your NordPass logs folder. Send all log_***.log, prod-***.log, and prod-u-***.log files to the Customer Support team describing the issue you have encountered. If you cannot access your vault or get any error while trying to log in, you can send the application logs to our Customer Support team. Please specify what exact issue you are experiencing and on what exact day the issue started to occur. Open Finder. Click Shift (⇧) + Command Key (⌘) + G. Write this path ~/Library/Application Support/NordPass/logs and press Enter key. This will open your NordPass logs folder. Send all log_***.log, prod-***.log, and prod-u-***.log files to the Customer Support team describing the issue you have encountered. If you cannot access your vault or get any error while trying to log in, you can send the application logs to our Customer Support team. Please specify what exact issue you experienced and the exact day the issue started to occur. Here are instructions below on how to do it: Open your NordPass application (you don't need to log in to generate logs). Shake your device. When a message 'Logs generated' appears, tap Share. Select Mail to immediately email logs, or choose Copy to copy them. Send the logs to the support@nordpass.comemail address. If you cannot access your vault or get any error while trying to log in, you can send the application logs to our Customer Support team. Please specify what exact issue you are experiencing and on what exact day the issue started to occur. Here are instructions below on how to do it: Log in to the NordPass application and go to the Profile section. Tap on the Help section. Tap the Share logs button. This will open a window where you can choose your way of sharing the file. Choose your wanted email provider and send it to the email address. Please make sure to specify what exact issue you experienced and on what exact day the issue started to occur. Alternatively, you can generate logs without needing to log in by simply shaking your mobile device. Then, choose your email provider and send it to the email address. If you cannot access your vault or get any error while trying to log in, you can send the application logs to our Customer Support team. Please make sure to specify what exact issue you experience and on what exact day the issue started to occur. Here are the instructions on how to find it: Press CTRL+ALT+T (it will open terminal); Write down this command: nautilus ~/snap/nordpass/common/logs/ Alternatively, the logs can be found under another command: ~/snap/nordpass/common/logs A file manager should open up, in which all the NordPass log files should be found. Copy the log files where you can easily find them and send them by contacting the Customer Support team describing the issue you are having. Was this article helpful? Yes No