How to set up user provisioning with Microsoft Azure AD and delete users from NordPass

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up user provisioning in the NordPass Admin Panel with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and delete users from NordPass

This guide is for those using the new Azure admin panel design. To switch to the new design, follow the instructions given by Azure.

Find more information on configuring NordPass for automatic user provisioning in Microsoft help guide.

  1. Go to Microsoft Azure and log in.

  2. Go to Azure Active Directory.


  3. Select Enterprise applications in the left sidebar menu, then select All applications.


  4. In the applications list, select NordPass.

    Note: If there is no option to select NordPass in the applications list, follow the steps provided in User provisioning setup with Microsoft Azure AD (create your own application in Azure) guide. 


  5. Select Users and groups in the left sidebar menu on the application page and click Add user/group.


  6. On the application page, open Users and groups and select users to provision. Please note that NordPass currently does not support group provisioning.

  7. Open Provisioning in the left sidebar menu and select Get started.


  8. Go to the NordPass Admin Panel.

  9. Go to Settings > User provisioning and select Get Credentials.

  10. In the new window, you will see admin credentials.


  11. Go back to Azure.

  12. Under Provisioning Mode, select Automatic and enter the admin credentials you can see in the NordPass Admin Panel.


  13. Select Test Connection and wait while a check takes place.

  14. Once the check is over, select Save and then close the window.


  15. Select Start provisioning.


  16. The user provisioning setup is now complete. Users will receive an email invitation asking them to complete their NordPass registration within a few minutes.


Remove users from the NordPass application only (soft-deleted users)


Deleting users from the NordPass enterprise application in Azure will result in a soft delete. Once the user is selected to be removed from NordPass, their status will change: Active users will be suspended, and Pending users will be forbidden to accept an invitation to the organization.

Soft-deleted users are automatically deleted from NordPass after 30 days. During this time, the user can be restored along with all their information. After 30 days, the user will be permanently deleted from NordPass.

The instructions below will delete users from the NordPass application in 30 days. In order to immediately delete the user, follow the guide “Delete users from the Azure AD tenant (hard-deleted users)” below.


Remove users from the NordPass organization using Microsoft Azure:


  1. Go to Microsoft Azure and log in.

  2. Go to Azure Active Directory.

  3. Select Enterprise applications in the left sidebar menu and open NordPass page.

  4. Select Users and groups in the left sidebar menu.

  5. Select users to remove from NordPass and click Remove.


Delete users from the Azure AD tenant (hard-deleted users)


Users can be deleted immediately without waiting 30 days. Hard-deleted users are permanently removed from Azure and can’t be restored.

  1. Go to Microsoft Azure and log in.

  2. Go to Azure Active Directory.

  3. Select Users.

  4. Select users from the list to remove from the Azure AD tenant.

  5. Select Delete user. This will suspend the user and move them to the Deleted users page for 30 days. During the 30 days, the user can be restored, after that, they are automatically deleted.

  6. Go to Delete users.

  7. Select the user to remove from the Azure AD tenant.

  8. Select Delete permanently.

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