How to take a screenshot

During troubleshooting with our Customer Support team, you may be asked to send a screenshot of, for example, an error message on your device to help diagnose the issue.

For some guidance on how to take a screenshot, you can refer to our articles:

  • Windows includes a built-in app to take screenshots called the Snipping Tool. In order to use it, follow these steps:

    1. Open Start by pressing the Windows button, type Snipping Tool, select it in the search results, and open the app.


    2. To choose the type of snip you want, select Mode, and then choose Free-formRectangularWindow, or Full-screen Snip. When making free-form or rectangular snips, use your mouse to select the area you want to capture.


    3. Use the Save button at the top of the Snipping Tool window to save the screenshot to an image file. Choose the location where you wish to store the file and click Save.

      mceclip2 (1).png

  • How to take a screenshot of your entire screen:


    1. Press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 3.

    2. After the screenshot is taken, you can find it either in the corner of your screen or wait for it to save to your desktop.

    How to take a screenshot of a portion of your screen:


    1. Press and hold these three keys together: Shift, Command, and 4. The pointer will change to a crosshair.

    2. Click and drag the crosshair to select the area you wish to capture.

    3. After you release the mouse button, you can find the screenshot in the corner of your screen or wait for it to save to your desktop.

    4. To cancel taking the screenshot, press the Esc key.


  • Taking screenshots on devices with Face ID

    1. Press the Volume and Side buttons at the same time.

    2. Once a screenshot is taken, you will see a thumbnail of it at the bottom left corner of your screen.

    Taking screenshots on devices with Touch ID and top button

    1. Press the Home and Top buttons at the same time.

    2. Once a screenshot is taken, you will see a thumbnail of it at the bottom left corner of your screen.

    Taking screenshots on devices with Touch ID and side button

    1. Press the Home and Side buttons at the same time.

    2. Once a screenshot is taken, you will see a thumbnail of it at the bottom left corner of your screen.
  • Follow the steps below to take a screenshot:

    1. Open the window that you want to take a screenshot of.

    2. Press the Power and Volume down buttons at the same time.

      If this doesn't work, try to press and hold the Power button for a few seconds and tap Screenshot.

    3. On your screen, you will see an animation that confirms that the screenshot was taken. 
  • Press PrtScn to take a full-screen screenshot. The screenshot will show everything on your display. You will be prompted to select where you would like to save the screenshot file.

    The Print Screen key is located at the top of the keyboard, usually between F12 and ScrLk. It may be labeled as Print Screen, PrtScn, PrntScrn, or something else similar.

    Alternatively, use the Screenshot application. Follow these instructions to do so:

    1. To locate it, go to the applications menu. There, in the search box, type in Screenshot. Open the app.

    2. In the app, you will be able to choose if you wish to take a full screenshot or select an area. Then, press the Take Screenshot button.

    3. Afterward, you will be prompted to save the screenshot. Select the folder where you wish to store the screenshot image file and click Save.

If you're contacting our Customer Support team, you can attach the screenshot file in JPG or PNG format as an attachment in the letter, as you would with any other file.

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