How to set up and use Sharing Hub for NordPass

In this article, you will learn how to set up, and get started with the Sharing Hub feature for NordPass. Please note that this feature is available only in the Enterprise plan.

What is Sharing Hub?

Sharing Hub is a feature available only on the Admin Panel for users with Owner rights only. The Owner must be established upon registration. More Owners can be added later. The Sharing Hub allows viewing shared items within the organization, including those created by users and shared internally or externally. However, it will not show non-shared items. Currently, management features are not available but may be added in the future depending on testing feedback.


How to set up Sharing Hub

To get started with the Sharing Hub, you will first need to enable it in the Settings tab of your NordPass Admin Panel. The feature can also be disabled in the Admin Panel if needed. Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Go to Settings.

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  2. Scroll down to Features and enable Sharing hub.

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How to use Sharing Hub

Once enabled in the settings, you can access Sharing Hub via its designated tab in the NordPass Admin Panel.

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After selecting the Sharing Hub tab, you will be able to filter out Categories or People/Groups. By default, the view is arranged in descending order, with folders being first. Users can also sort by name or last edited date.

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Once People/Groups have been selected, a third option to filter by permission appears.

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Owners are also able to see the list of People/Groups that the item/folder has been shared with.

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While viewing shared files/folders, owners are also able to navigate through categories via breadcrumbs.


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