NordPass Token Management

NordPass Activity Logs API and log reporting in Splunk allow your organization to collect, index, and manage member accesses and activities. In order to set this up, you must generate valid tokens in NordPass Admin panel.

Generate a new Custom Token


  1. Log in to the Admin Panel.

  2. Open Integrations.

  3. Choose Custom.

  4. Select Create Token.

  5. Create a name for your token:

  6. Click Create.

  7. Copy your Token and the URL and paste it somewhere safe for later:

    Activity Logs API URLs: they are data center-specific and your organization must use the corresponding URL for the data center where your account is located:


    : This is a unique identifier designed to work only with the NordPass API. If token details are lost, we recommend revoking the lost token and creating a new One.

  8. You'll also need to mark that you've saved the data above:

  9. Click Done.

  10. If the Token creation is successful, you will see it along with its expiry date.


How to revoke a Custom Token


  1. Log in to the Admin Panel.

  2. Open Integrations.

  3. Select Custom.

  4. Under the Tokens section, click Revoke Token.

  5. In the pop-up, confirm by pressing Revoke.


Generate a new Splunk Token


  1. Log in to the Admin Panel.

  2. Open Integrations.

  3. Choose Splunk.

  4. Select Create Token.

  5. Create a name for your token:

  6. Click Create.

  7. Copy your Token and the URL and paste it somewhere safe for later:

    : This identifies where the organization decided to store the NordPass data.
    Token: This is a unique identifier designed to work only with the Splunk app. If token details are lost, we recommend revoking the lost token and creating a new One

  8. You'll also need to mark that you've saved the data above:

  9. Click Done.

  10. If the Token creation is successful, you will see it along with its expiry date.


How to revoke a Splunk Token


  1. Log in to the Admin Panel.

  2. Open Integrations.

  3. Select Splunk.

  4. Under the Tokens section, click Revoke Token.

  5. In the pop-up, confirm by pressing Revoke.


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