Provider API for Usage Reporting

About the Provider API

This guide describes how to integrate NordPass MSP services with your business management tools via open API.


The Provider API provides daily and monthly usage information of all MSP managed organizations - consumed license count and tier, trial, and NFR flags.


NordPass’ endpoints follow REST API principles and use JSON exclusively in request bodies. If required, you need to use a “Content-Type: application/json” header and form a valid JSON payload in the request body. You will receive a valid JSON response on success or error information on failure.


For more details please refer to the integration guide in MSP NordPass.


Generate private key


For authentication, you must first generate JWT Data for your company.


Follow the steps below to generate your JWT data:

  1. Unlock the MSP Admin Panel and go to Integrations > Provider API.

  2. Select Generate Private Key.

  3. Use your data and private key to generate the JWT. Your private key is used to sign the JWT before you send it.


Once it's generated, please safely store your data, particularly your private key. It's unique and will allow you to establish requests to NordPass's API.


Revoke or regenerate API key

To remove the integration, you can always revoke your private key. This can be done if you’ve lost your private key or it becomes compromised.


This will immediately remove any existing integrations or services using this private key, allowing you to generate a new one.


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