How to demote NordPass organization's Owner

NordPass organizations' Owners can demote other Owners if they leave the company or Owner privileges are no longer needed. Once the Owner is demoted, their account can be deleted, suspended, or granted Owner rights again. 


Note: An Owner cannot be demoted if there is only one Owner in the organization.*

*not applicable to organizations owned by an MSP.


The steps below explain how to demote an Owner, along with the options to delete or suspend them:


  1. Log in to NordPass Admin Panel.

  2. Open Members page.


  3. Select the three dots icon next to the member you want to demote and choose Make Admin or Make User.

    Learn more about different roles in the NordPass organization here


  4. The member is demoted to an Admin or User and can now be deleted or suspended. You can also assign the Owner role again. 


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